Projects to support

 Assist Sèvres in the pursuit of ambitious projects

(c) Sèvres / G. Jonca

Vase grec à roulettes, Manufacture de Sèvres, 1848-1959, 2017 / Vase grec, anses à roulettes (nestoris), Italie, 4 e siècle av. J.-C. - (c) David Giancatarina - Sèvres - Cité de la céramique

  • Exhibitions at the National Ceramics Museum present both historic heritage and contemporary creation.

  • Educational programmes at the National Ceramics Museum and Manufactory allow students and youth to discover arts and crafts while exploring the museum’s collections.

  • The acquisition of new emblematic works by the National Ceramics Museum contributes to the museum’s international renown and influence.

  • Artist's residencies: numerous contemporary artists reside and work at the Manufacture, pursuing one-of-a-kind projects.

  • Transmitting skills and expertise and training artisans and craftsmen: help preserve the priceless ancestral know-how of the Manufacture de Sèvres.

  • Important renovation projects: Le Magot, the storage space housing Sèvres’ historic moulds, is currently being renovated, so as to preserve and present these precious objects in the best possible conditions.

  • Exceptional events: Sèvres organizes and hosts unique events, such as the firing of porcelain works within its 19th-century wood-burning kilns.



 Direction du développement culturel et de la communication
Service des partenariats
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